
Monday, October 21, 2013

BLOG TOUR: Delta Project: Revolt by Jessica Jaster

D005 has been a part of a secret government program known as the Delta Project her entire life. She has been genetically modified to be stronger, faster, smarter and to heal faster. Trained in hand-to-hand combat, weaponry and battle tactics, she has been worked to physical and mental exhaustion every day of her life. Raised without love or care of any kind, she has no idea what it means to be happy – to be free. And now she has run away.
After willingly leaving the Hartman Ranch and Cormac, in order to protect those she loves, Weston is back at the Delta Project compound. Back exactly where she does not want to be. On the plus side, it's not a bad place to be if she wants to free the rest of the Deltas.
However, it also means she's under Commander's thumb again. And he has questions he is willing to go to great lengths to get answered.
The thing that Commander doesn't understand is just how much Weston wants her freedom back. And with her back at the compound, he's going to have a fight on his hands.

Jessica Jaster lives in Iowa with her husband and her (currently) one year old and two year old, as well as their cat, Pandora.
Jessica graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Anthropology.  Yes, she realizes that there is a big difference between Anthropology and writing young adult novels.  She actually tried for an English major (well actually, it was Criminal Justice, then English, then Anthropology), but the classes she had to take just did not fly with her.  Although, since Anthropology is pretty much just the study of humans and human culture, it could tie in with her novels in some way.
She has always had an over-active imagination and has been making stories up in her head for herself for as long as she can remember and finally decided to start writing them down (when she is not busy chasing the two little ones around anyway) and sharing them with anyone interested. Most ideas she has so far for her novels are for young adults - some fantasy, some science fiction and some normal contemporary story-lines.
Her current works include Delta Project: Hide, Delta Project: Rescue and Delta Project: Revolt.

 OH MY FREAKIN GOODNESS!!!!! Every single book in this series has literally BLOWN ME AWAY!!! And the best thing about them??? I CANNOT PUT THEM DOWN!!!
So, I begin and finish these books literally in one sitting because they are just that great!!
Now, being that this is the third book in the series, I will most likely be vague because I do not want to spoil anything for you.
So, I will just let you know that this book captivated me and held me all the way through.  Not a single dull moment because I was biting my nails dying to know what happens.  There were some awesome amazing events in this book that really had me cheering and then there are moments that has me reeling.  
And may I say, the INFAMOUS cliffhanger that Jessica Jaster is known for...YES...this book left me begging to know what is going to happen...AND THIS IS MAJOR!!!! 
I absolutely love the uniqueness of this series and Weston is one of my favorite heroines.  I highly suggest that you begin this series and find out exactly why I LOVE these books!!! amazing action packed thrilling book....

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