Friday, February 27, 2015

COVER REVEAL: Kestrel by A.M. Hargrove

Title: Kestrel
Series: A Hart Brothers Novel
Author: A.M. Hargrove
Release Date:  March 29th, 2015

Kestrel (A Hart Brothers Novel)
**Though is part of the Hart Brothers Series, This is a Stand Alone Novel
**Not intended for readers under the age of 18 due to its mature content and strong language.

Two lives with horrific pasts. One chance meeting that changed them both forever.

“One look at her and I want to run. Frizzy hair, thick glasses, mom jeans, and ruffles up to her neck. Who the hell wears shit like that? What decade is she living in? My mother doesn’t even dress like that!”

Raised by a monster, Kestrel Hart somehow survived. Now that the monster is dead, he’s trying to move on, to pull himself together. Struggling with issues no one can imagine, he moves away from his family, from the brother who loves him and the sister-in-law who supports and understands him the best.

Charleston, South Carolina is his new home. And he has a purpose. He’s opening up a new division of his brother’s corporation. But a surprise awaits him. Her name is Carter Drayton.

Carter’s past is also a painful one. She is dealing with the tragic death of her family. She’s healing in the only way she knows how.

Carter needs love. Kestrel craves human contact. Neither of them recognizes what’s right before their eyes. Will they see it before it’s too late?

“I’ll do anything you want. Anything.” Then something comes over me. Call it madness. Desperation. Insanity. Call it whatever you want. I step right up to him and put my hands on his shoulders. Then I kiss him. He stands there like a chunk of stone. So I press my body up to him, and rub myself against him. I open my mouth and run my tongue over his lips, and then push it into his mouth. Nothing. No response. Humiliation sets in. I am not this girl. I’m the classic nerd. I don’t have boyfriends. Where is this coming from?

He pulls away from me and steps back, rubbing his mouth.

“I’m sorry, but you’re not my type.” His features initially register shock. But worse than that, distaste replaces it.

That stings. Really stings. But even more dreadful, I am morbidly ashamed of myself. That doesn’t stop me from digging myself into an even deeper hole.

“What? Am I not sexy enough? Are my clothes not revealing enough?”

“Um, Dr. Drayton, this is more than a bit awkward.”

“No, tell me. And my name is Carter.”

“You’re propositioning me.” Now I detect a hint of mockery.

“No, not propositioning. I want to strike a deal. You see, I’m a desperate woman. And desperate people do all kinds of things.”

“Carter, I’m really not interested.”

“I know I’m not very attractive, but if you want me to change the way I look, I can do that.”

“You don’t understand.”

“What? Am I not good enough for you?”

His eyes skim me from head to toe. “Good doesn’t have anything to do with it. You’re not bad enough for me.”

A.M. Hargrove resides in the south, dividing her time between the upstate of South Carolina and the mountains of North Carolina. She truly believes that chocolate, coffee and ice cream should be added to the USDA food groups.
Her books include Adult, New Adult and Young Adult Romances, including, The Guardians of Vesturon (Survival, Resurrection, Determinant, reEmergent and the novella Beginnings); Dark Waltz (A Praestani Novel) Edge of Disaster, Shattered Edge, Kissing Fire, Tragically Flawed, Exquisite Betrayal and Tragic Desires.
A.M. also writes under the name of Emerson St. Clair. Emerson's books include the Dirty Nights novella series.



BLOG TOUR: The Hidden Library by Heather Lyons

Sometimes, the rabbit hole is deeper than expected . . .

Alice Reeve and Finn Van Brunt have tumbled into a life of secrets. Some secrets they share, such as their employment by the clandestine organization known as The Collectors’ Society. Other secrets they carry within them, fighting to keep buried the things that could change everything they think they know.

On the hunt for an elusive villain who is hell-bent on destroying legacies, Alice, Finn, and the rest of the Society are desperate to unravel the mysteries surrounding them. But the farther they spiral down this rabbit hole, the deeper they fall into secrets that will test their loyalties and pit them against enemies both new and old.

Secrets, they come to find, can reveal the deadliest of truths.

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The idea for the Collectors’ Society - How did the idea come about? How did you pick the characters you picked? How did Alice become the main character/focus of The Collectors’ Society?

The genesis for the Collectors’ Society series has been percolating around my head since childhood. I often daydreamed about what it would be like if the characters and stories I loved were real—or even if I were a part of the adventure. As an adult, it was so much fun to expound upon this idea, simply because I think all true bibliophiles have this same daydream. That’s one of the beautiful things about books—they pull you in, allowing you to be a part of the story (albeit an observer) until your emotions and thoughts are deftly tangled up in the words. I suppose one could say that the Collectors’ Society series is my love letter to literature in that regard. As for why I chose Alice as the main female focus of the series, it’s simple, really. I’ve consistently loved the Alice stories since childhood. I found her journeys through the absurd fascinating—this lone drop of reason amongst the unexplainable. To me, it was a wondrous story as a child, and while some claim that Carroll never purposefully infused the books with hidden meanings (outside of his sly mathematical references), I still took away a number of meaningful concepts, as a reader does: senses of self, adventure, logic, and whimsy. Alice was, in my mind, the perfect heroine to embark upon new adventures. As for the others, I peppered the series with either beloved characters and/or those who best fit the plot needs. I had to be careful, though—within the world building rules I set up, some characters I would have loved to use ended up being impossible. For example, I am a diehard Anne of Green Gables fan. Anne’s books, though, have her aging quite a bit; by the end, she yields focus to her children. A young Anne (or Gilbert) was not feasible to work at the Society; they would, instead, be much, much older. The same goes with Jo from Little Women. And I also had to be extremely careful of copyright issues, as some modern classics (such as The Great Gatsby or The Catcher in the Rye) have not fallen into public domain. That said, I always knew that Huckleberry Finn would be my hero, though. His backstory, to me, was fascinating, and Twain—sly, thoughtful, thought-provoking author he was—had already set his character up nicely to be an adventurer. All of the rest were very carefully chosen based on their histories, character profiles, and suitability toward story needs. No one is there on a whim or without purpose!

Heather Lyons writes epic, heartfelt love stories and has always had a thing for words. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. She and her husband and children live in sunny Southern California and are currently working their way through every cupcakery she can find

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I was so happy and eager to read The Hidden Library.  Heather Lyons totally hooked me when I read The Collector's Society and the sequel in this series was just as phenomenal!!
Being this is book 2, I will be mindful of my review and make sure not to spoil anything fir those who have not read the first book either.

I will say this though...Do not hesitate any longer on these books.  Brilliance I tell ya...Just pure genius!!!
The Hidden Library picks up with the suspense that was built in The Collector's Society and boy does it throw you right in to it.  We are still following Alice and Finn and their dueling POVs is something that keeps the story intriguing.  Being in each characters head allows us to see and FEEL soooooo much.
These two have such a dynamic relationship that I totally lose myself in them.  I love their tale from start to finish and as each event transpired within The Hidden Library...I just fell even more for these two...
Heather Lyons has created such a fabulous story.  The world she has brought to us gives us a glimpse in to the crazy talent that she has.  I am blown away at the ingenuity that she has spun in the suspenseful tale.  Action packed that has you sitting on the edge of your seat....Seriously...I was so engrossed...turning pages, biting my nails, eagerly awaiting the outcome of these two amazing characters...And GAH!!! Alice and Finn aren't just the only two that you are so wrapped up in.  The secondary characters have you rooting for them or wanting you to slap some sense in to them too...But alas...I had to come to the end of my read and needless to say...I was distraught.  Sad that it was ending and flabbergasted at how Heather Lyons decided to leave me HANGING....WAITING...NEEDING the next book....I MUST KNOW what happens next...Ahhhhhh!!!
A mystically fantastic read that takes you on a magical fun journey....Start this series now!!! 

Don’t miss the first book in this series, THE COLLECTORS’ SOCIETY!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


unnamed (6)

** Part two of a three part serial ** The choice is steep: Stay on the ledge and steal Van's painting or take the leap and sacrifice her sister. It's another decision in a long line that she's had to make in her life, and though it's easy to make, it's impossible to execute. Jade won't let Cory go until she gets what she wants, but the price for Cory is high. It's never been hard to steal, to lie, but Van changed all the rules. It was the last thing she wanted to do to him. But as much as that choice is agony, there's really only one to make. Betrayal and pain. Love and loss. Decisions and consequences. The edge Cory walks is razor sharp and sky high, but she can't look down. Not until she makes it to the other side.




Staci has been a lot of things up to this point in her life -- a graphic designer, an entrepreneur, a seamstress, a clothing and handbag designer, a waitress. Can't forget that. She's also been a mom; she has three little girls who are sure to grow up to break a number of hearts. She's been a wife; even though she's certainly not the cleanest, or the best cook. She's also super, duper fun at a party, especially if she's been drinking whiskey. Her favorite word starts with f and ends with k. From roots in Houston, to a seven year stint in Southern California, Staci and her family ended up settling somewhere in between and equally north, in Denver. They are new enough that snow is still magical. When she's not writing, she's sleeping, gaming, or designing graphics.
Hosted By:

I'm a mess. A puddle of pain and anguish, hate, and longing. 
My heart has been tossed to the ground, thoroughly stomped and shredded. Aching for a clean, safe resolution for Cory and Jill. Pining, crying, and dying for Van. I'm left wondering how there could possibly be a HEA.

So... I sit in the dark, broken. Waiting, wanting. Cory has crawled under my skin. Her suffering is mine. Her need is mine. I physically ache thinking of what comes next. How Cory could possibly explain her desperation. How Van could accept what has happened. How they could ever- maybe never be together again.

Hold on, guys. The ride just got bumpier- and a lot darker. In what was already an emotionally charged story, Staci has crafted another gritty, gut wrenching episode sure to leave you lying bleeding and hanging by a thread, and anxiously waiting for more. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

BLOG TOUR: The Return by Jennifer L Armentrout

Eeeeeepppp!!!! Hello everyone!!! Boy am I happy to be able bring more of The Return to you...Check out all the awesomeness of the book AND my review...THEN...make sure you enter the giveaway at the end to win a SIGNED copy of The Return!! So excited!!!  ENJOY!!! ~Kat

The Return - Cover
The Fates are cackling their bony asses off... 
It's been a year since Seth made the deal with the gods that pledged his life to them. And so far, the jobs they've given him have been violent and bloody--which is kind of all right with him. But now Apollo has something else in mind for Seth. He's got to play protector while keeping his hands and fingers off, and for someone who really has a problem with restraint, this new assignment might be the most challenging yet. 
Josie has no idea what this crazy hot guy's deal might be, but it's a good bet that his arrival means the new life she started after leaving home is about to be thrown into an Olympian-sized blender turned up to puree. Either Josie is going insane or a nightmare straight out of ancient myth is gunning for her. 
But it might be the unlikely attraction simmering between her and the golden-eyed, secret-keeping Seth that may prove to be the most dangerous thing of all. 
Because history has once again been flipped to repeat.

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I was a half-blood, but I was also the Apollyon, a child of a pure and a half, a union that had been forbidden for thousands of years because an Apollyon was more powerful than any pure or half could ever hope to be.
And I always got to the traitors’ hideouts before they did, so the Sentinels were usually left with the cleanup, which I was sure absolutely thrilled them.
The first to enter was a female half-blood dressed just as I was. Her black hair was pulled back in a neat little knot at the top of her head. She was older, probably in her mid-thirties. It was pretty rare for a Sentinel to live that long. Her dark skin paled as she stopped just inside the entrance. She clenched titanium daggers in her hands like she expected something vicious to pop out from under the bloody mess.
The female Sentinel tipped her chin up, and the overhead light sliced across her broad cheekbones. She bore a jagged scar under her right eye, the skin lighter in tone. She saw me and froze.
My smile widened.
Behind her, another Sentinel rushed in, almost mowing her over. He saw me and whispered, “Seth.”
He’d said my name like I was the monster under his bed, and I sort of liked that. Then another Sentinel and another rolled in. The fifth took one look at my interior design work and keeled over. Slamming his hands on his knees, he hurled up his dinner.
Our society existed completely unknown to the average mortal and had operated under what was known as the Breed Order for thousands of years. The Order had been dismantled, which meant halfs were no longer forced to choose between becoming Sentinels—hunting down violent creatures, protecting pures, enforcing laws, and otherwise usually dying pretty damn quickly on the job—or servants, which was a job that really wasn’t a job, but more like slavery. Since then, many pampered pures had signed on to be Sentinels, making up for the loss of the halfs who’d pretty much said “screw this shit, I’m out.”
This wasn’t necessarily a good thing.
For example, the dumbass puking all over my blood-covered floor was a pure. When he straightened, his face a greenish hue, he backed away, shaking his head. “I can’t,” he gasped out. “I can’t do this.”
Then he turned and hauled ass out the doors.
I sighed. This was why we couldn’t have nice things.

Author PhotoAbout Jennifer L. Armentrout: # 1 NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing. she spends her time reading, working out, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki. Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. She also writes adult and New Adult romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.  

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I absolutely LOVED the Covenant series and I have to admit, knowing there was a spinoff with Seth, I was leery...He was one of those from the Covenant series that I would have been happy to have seen dead...
BUT...never doubt the fabulous Jennifer Armentrout to be able to draw you in and completely change your mind...
I mean...I did not want to see him happy...YET as I began reading The Return, and getting in to the head of Seth, I realized there was so much more to him than what I gave him credit for.
And then...the next thing I knew...I was rooting for him..I wanted him to so bad to have the girl he was falling in love with...
And this was just the right kind of girl that could make me like Seth...
New to the world of the gods and the Covenant, Josie has to overcome so much.  But as I mentioned already, this is where Seth shines.  
These two together remind me so much of Aidan and Alex...*sighs* 
Of course, not exactly like them..but their relationship shows them how much they truly care for one another and how far they will go to protect the other.
But, all is not roses and candy...These two have so much thrown at them.  Such battles to overcome, whether it is literally or metaphorically, Seth and Josie struggle to stay true to themselves and the hopes of what may come...
The Return is of course a brilliant fast paced read that I could not put down.  I was hanging on, biting my nails at the non-stop action packed drama and do I need to say the steamy romance that filled the pages of this book?? are going to love this book...I know it is out now...All I can add is I am ready for the next installment!!! 

Oh..this is just pure FANTABULOUS!!!
Here is your chance to WIN a SIGNED copy of The Return

All you have to do is comment below with telling me who your favorite god or goddess is...and please feel free to tell why...Would love to hear your thoughts...

The Return -- Avaialable Now

Friday, February 20, 2015

COVER REVEAL: Manwhore +1 by Katy Evans

The unexpected love story that began in MANWHORE
continues heating up the pages in MANWHORE + 1

Release date: July 7, 2015
Billionaire playboy? Check.
Ruthless businessman? Check.
Absolutely sinful? Check.

Malcolm Saint was an assignment. A story. A beautiful, difficult man I was supposed to uncover for a racy exposé.

I intended to reveal him, his secrets, his lifestyle—not let him reveal me. But my head was overtaken by my heart and suddenly nothing could stop me from falling. I fell for him, and I fell hard.

Malcolm Saint is absolute Sin, and I've become a hopeless Sinner.

Now that the assignment is over, Saint wants something from me--something unexpected--and I want this wicked playboy's heart. But how can I prove to the man who trusts no one that I’m worthy of becoming his plus one?

Manwhore + 1 Pre-order Links (Releases 7/7)

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book #1 of ‘the manwhore series’

Is it possible to expose Chicago’s hottest player—without getting played?
This is the story I’ve been waiting for all my life, and its name is Malcolm Kyle Preston Logan Saint. Don’t be fooled by that last name though. There’s nothing holy about the man except the hell his parties raise. The hottest entrepreneur Chicago has ever known, he’s a man’s man with too much money to spend and too many women vying for his attention.
Mysterious. Privileged. Legendary. His entire life he’s been surrounded by the press as they dig for tidbits to see if his fairytale life is for real or all mirrors and social media lies. Since he hit the scene, his secrets have been his and his alone to keep. And that’s where I come in.
Assigned to investigate Saint and reveal his elusive personality, I’m determined to make him the story that will change my career.
But I never imagined he would change my life. Bit by bit, I start to wonder if I’m the one discovering him…or if he’s uncovering me.
What happens when the man they call Saint, makes you want to sin?

Manwhore (bk 1) Pre-order links (Releases 3/24) 

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