Sunday, August 30, 2015

Blog Hop: The JOY of ROMANCE: With The XOXperts

Welcome to my stop on the XOXPerts JOY OF SUMMER Blog Hop. The XOXperts are all about romance and I like my romance with a bit of edge. Dark, dangerous, mysterious. Bad boys with a heart of gold. Those are the men of fiction that capture my heart and take my breath away. So, today I'm celebrating Summer's end with the boys of the Wind Dragon's MC by Chantal Fernando. I'll give you a brief overview of my thoughts on the series thus far.

Chantal Fernando has created a wonderful world of mischief and mayhem among some of the hottest, sexiest, dirty-mouthed bikers and the women they just can't resist.
What I love about this series- aside from the hot alphas and kickass women- is that each story can be read as a standalone or in any order without spoiling major events in a previous book.
Storylines do overlap but important details are left for you to discover as you meet each member of the MC up close and personal.
And while each book stands on its own, her series are all interwined. Venues, partnerships and family connections, have characters from other series making fun and entertaining appearances, adding depth, dimension, and a realness to everyday tasks and situations.

One thing that runs true throughout- the Wind Dragon's MC is a brotherhood and they'll do anything to protect the club and those they love...


Now, on to the reviews... ~Shell

(Book One)
When I found my boyfriend cheating on me, I did something stupid.
Or should I say, someone?
Because of that mistake, I’m now stuck in a world I don’t belong in.
I’m a law student. They’re criminals. He’s the vice president of a motorcycle club. I’m a good girl with a strict upbringing. He’s my ex-boyfriend’s brother.
And I’m screwed.

Having read Arrow's Hell first, I got a glimpse of the fun-loving, vibrant Faye. She brought comic relief and "old lady" wisdom, and I loved her right away. So I immediately jumped into Dragon's Lair to see what really made her tick.

Wow. What a tale.

The Faye in DL is not quite the strong, fearless badass I met in AH. She was smart, sassy, and confident but she had to endure a lot of heartache, pain, and shame to become the woman everyone fears and admires. The woman-child that made the Wind Dragon's MC VP want to be a better man, a better leader, and then some.

This is the story of the one that almost got away. A second chance romance with a twist. For Dex aka Sin, it's a story of redemption. And unimaginable possibilities.

Dragon's Lair brings on the feels with the undeniable chemistry between Dex and Faye. This is definitely a lighter read for an MC book, the humor flows freely. Like I said, Faye is a sassy one, and she builds a great camaraderie with the boys of the club, while stirring up trouble and throwing their world off its axis. But DL has its drama and the underlying violent nature of the MC world threatens to destroy both our happy couple and the Wind Dragon's MC.

Grab your helmet and hold on tight. It's going to be a bumpy, sexy ride.



(Wind Dragon's MC #2)


Being the younger sister of a Wind Dragons MC member isn’t as great as you’d think it would be. I can’t escape the details of my brother’s exploits. No one tells me anything. Men who know who I am tend to stay away from me. And worst of all: The members of the MC are off-limits. When Arrow catches my eye, I make it my mission to make him happy again. When I fall head over heels in love with him, I just hope he will be there to catch me. And that my brother doesn’t kill him.

This might be my favorite Chantal Fernando book yet. I am so enjoying the Wind Dragon's MC, and I always love how each of Chantal's series ties into the next. But I have to say, as much as I love her MMA boys, there is just something about these badboy bikers. And Arrow is no exception.

Rough around the edges, gruff, and way beyond blunt, Arrow minces no words and makes no excuses. He is who he is, accept him or get out of the way.

I didn't know if this man would grow on me, but he did, in a big way. But I loved Anna from the beginning. Another smart, sassy, yet vulnerable female. Able to stand on her own two feet and demand what she deserves. She's the kind of heroine we need to see more of, but you can be guaranteed you'll find her in a Fernando romance. No pushovers here.

I can't really say more without spoiling but Arrow's Hell shocked and surprised me. And absolutely thrilled me.


(Wind Dragon's MC #3)


Tracker is everything I’ve ever wanted. I see him. I’ve watched time change him. I’ve been patient, but he still hasn’t noticed me. Not the way I want him to. The more time I spend with the MC, the more I understand. When you want something, you have to take it. You have to fight for it. And Tracker is more than worth fighting for.

Awwww, Tracker. He's my favorite of the Wind Dragon's this far. I loved him in the two previous books and was so excited get his book in my hands. He's the ultimate badboy. The one that can't be tamed. Despite his unavailability. Despite his dirty mouth and inappropriate flirting, his disrespect of "club women", his ongoing disaster of a relationship with the bitch of the club, Aly. His inability to see what's right in front of him. Despite all this...Tracker is the one, like sweet Lana, I would fall for.

And Lana... she is a gem. She's adorable, kind, sweet. Loyal to a fault.  Anna's best friend and confidant. She has a HUGE crush on Tracker. She also has a huge secret.

Their world's couldn't be more apart and yet...

Chantal does amp up the drama in this installment. The WD's are no strangers to betrayal and revenge but none of them sees what's coming. It threatens to ruin them all.

And the club will never be the same.

I'll be honest, this isn't my favorite of the series. Arrow's Hell is still tops. But what Tracker and Lana have, it's sweet. It's classic wrong side of the tracks. And it's hot. Hello!!!!! It IS Tracker we're talking about here!

If you've already fallen for Tracker, you're sure to love him even more. If you haven't, you'll get the insider's view to this misunderstood charmer. I'm sure he'll have you wrapped around his finger in no time. Lana was endearing and somewhat surprising. Not so easily swayed and extremely determined, she makes her own way. As Anna's BFF and Tracker's love interest, she brings a different and welcome flavor to the club. After all, she's TRACKER'S END. 

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Chantal Fernando is twenty six years old and lives in Western Australia.
Her published novels include four books in the Resisting Love series – Chase, Kade, Ryder and James; the New York Times Bestselling novel Maybe This Time and its follow up, This Time Around. Her latest releases include Toxic Girl, Saxon, and a USA bestselling biker romance novel Dragon’s Lair.
When not reading, writing or daydreaming she can be found enjoying life with her three sons and family.


Visit all the stops on the hop:

Many thanks to Victoria Colotta of Art, Books, and Coffee, and Simon & Shuster XOXO After Dark.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

COVER REVEAL: The Other Side of Gravity by Shelly Crane

I am totally in love with this cover...OMG..phenomenal...
Cannot wait to read it..
Check it out guys...
NEW from Shelly Crane... :D ~Kat

 Title: The Other Side of Gravity
Author: Shelly Crane
Series: The Oxygen Series, Book One
Genre: Sci-Fi
Cover Reveal Date: August 27th
Release Date: TBA

Goodreads Link:
My name is Maxton and I’m a trader.

I live on a soulless planet where gravity, oxygen, and everything else are sold to the highest bidder on the black market. People are sold on the black market, too. You have to work really hard not to become one of those people. Pay your taxes, keep your friends and family close, and more than anything else—don’t get caught by the Militia. But all the rules changed for me the day I found her.

My name is Sophelia and I’m a stowaway.
I’ve been a slave for almost as long as I can remember. Waiting for the one day, one second, for my proprietor to turn his head so I could run and never look back. Now I'm on the run. And on a planet where no one is on your side and people would turn you in for a good meal or a piece of a silver, being on the run on Landu is the last place you want to be. Until he found me.

I won't survive without him.

I can't breathe without her.

Shelly is a NEW YORK TIMES & USA TODAY bestselling author from a small town in Georgia and loves everything about the south. She is wife to a fantastical husband and stay-at-home mom to two boisterous and mischievous boys who keep her on her toes. She hoards paperbacks, devours sweet tea, searches year-round for candy corn, and loves to spend time with her family and friends, go out to eat at new restaurants, site-see in the new areas they travel to, listen to music, and, of course, loves to read, but doesn't have much time to these days with all the characters filling her head begging to come out. She is author to over twenty books and counting!

Her own books happen by accident and she revels in the writing and imagination process. She doesn’t go anywhere without her notepad for fear of an idea creeping up and not being able to write it down immediately, even in the middle of the night, where her best ideas are born.

COVER RE-REVEAL: Beyond Fate by Heather Lyons #FateSeries


We are so excited to bring you the Release Day Launch for the paperback edition of Heather Lyons' BEYOND FATE! BEYOND FATE is a Fate Series novella and is written in Jonah’s point of view. It is his side of the story from A MATTER OF FATE. Grab your copy of this amazing novella today!

And that’s not all! BEYOND FATE has gotten a cover makeover! This amazing new cover was created by Carly Stevens!


Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks ** Kobo

There are always two sides to every story . . . 
His whole life, Jonah Whitecomb has strove to meet everyone's expectations of him: the perfect student, dutiful son, loyal twin, accomplished surfer, and powerful Magical. But behind his carefully composed façade hides the truth of how his family has fallen apart, leaving Jonah more often than not feeling adrift. To complicate matters, he fell in love long ago with a girl in his dreams, one he's never told anyone about, including his twin brother. 
Just when life seems its bleakest, Jonah discovers that Chloe is real. Wanting to finally reach out and grab happiness for himself, he embarks on a journey to track down the girl of his dreams, only to find that happy endings aren't always guaranteed, the best laid out plans can go horribly awry, and sometimes, you have to simply let yourself go along for the ride. 
Beyond Fate is Jonah's point-of-view of the events of A Matter of Fate, and is a companion novella for the YA/NA crossover urban fantasy/romance Fate series.

BEYOND FATE- New Cover Wrap

Release Day Excerpt:
I remember Joey telling me once that, of all the big waves he’s ever ridden in his life, the one that got his blood pumping most was Mavericks. “It’s sick,” he said as we waxed our boards at one of his favorite breaks near his house in Australia. “Cold as all hell. Gotta be careful of the Boneyard nearby. There’s a reason they call it that, you know. The reef below loves nothing more than to welcome you to stay forever. But,” his easy grin slid out, “when conditions are right, and you can take off in the hollow and traverse the long wall before finishing in white water, your life flashes before your eyes. You’re flying through hell like a slingshot, only to come out in paradise.”
Obviously, it made me want to surf Mavericks so bad I could taste it.
When Kel and I first got to California, we’d wanted to come here together. Ride these waves in Joey’s honor. But that never happened.
He’s with Chloe right now, after yet another attack during which she walled both him and me inside a building and took off toward San Francisco in an effort to lead what we now know as Elders away. I know why she did it. I felt it the moment her resolutions within hardened—she believed she was protecting the people she loved. In a weird way, I was incredibly proud of her for it, even as I tore my hair out, trying to get the hell out of the tomb she sealed us in so I could get out there and protect her myself. Karl and I searched for her for hours . . .
And then she decided to gut me once more by calling my brother to go and get her.
So here I am, in the back of a boat, tugging the hood of my wetsuit over my head in the pursuit of some kind of nirvana high amidst the hell I’ve found myself in lately. Raul Mesaverde’s questioning my sanity for wanting to go out into the monster waves we’re heading toward, but I do my best to ignore my temporarily assigned Guard. We’re accompanied by one of Joey’s Wave colleagues, who’s come along upon Astrid’s insistence. I tried to assure her I knew what I was doing, but considering she pretty much had an anxiety attack after researching Mavericks and learning people have died here, I figured this was the lesser of two evils.
“You’re loco,” Raul yells at me over the boat’s engine.
I laugh. This? Coming from a Cyclone? Especially one who agreed to chauffeur Chloe on her crazy attempt to lure the Elders away?
The Wave we’re with turns away from the wheel and smiles. He’s crazy, too—because he’s got that same look in his eyes that Joey always had. Like the ocean is his temple. “Nah, bra,” he tells Raul. “Maverick’s all about enlightenment.”
Raul white knuckles the side of the boat. I completely tune him out and let myself slide into that place Joey taught me about so long ago.
“When you let yourself go,” he’d told me as we’d sat out beyond the breaks, “when you put yourself out there and really just let yourself go, knowing any second you could be swallowed whole by the ocean, you’ll realize that all of that shit you worry so much about—girls, school, parents, grades, work, responsibilities—they’re meaningless. Because it’s just you and the waves. They don’t give a rat’s ass what kind of day you’re having. They don’t care if you’ve just bagged the hottest girl in the worlds or if your dad thinks you’ve failed him. They’re gonna rise up and fall no matter what. Let yourself go along that ride, J. There’s worry enough for later.”
This is what I’m thinking as I’m waiting for my set to come.
When it does, I paddle hard. Anticipation and fear is just as strong on my tongue as the salt water surrounding me. I let my worries go.
            This one’s for you, Joey.

I gladly fling myself into oblivion.

And don’t miss the first books in the Fate Series!

A Amtter of Fate

A MATTER OF FATE (Fate Series #1)



BEYOND FATE (Fate Series #1.5)


A Matter of Heart

A MATTER OF HEART (Fate Series #2)


A MAtter of Truth

A MATTER OF TRUTH (Fate Series #3)


A Matter of Forever Cover

A MATTER OF FOREVER (Fate Series #4)

Author PhotoHeather Lyons writes epic, heartfelt love stories and has always had a thing for words. In addition to writing, she’s also been an archaeologist and a teacher. She and her husband and children live in sunny Southern California and are currently working their way through every cupcakery she can find.          

Website ** Author Goodreads ** BEYOND FATE Goodreads ** Twitter ** Facebook ** Pinterest


InkSlinger Blogger Final

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

RELEASE DAY BLITZ: Breakout by Ann Aguirre #TheDredChronicles

BREAKOUT - RWB -banner

We are absolutely thrilled to bring you the Release Week Blitz for Ann Aguirre's BREAKOUT! BREAKOUT is an Adult Romantic Science Fiction novel set in the Jax Universe and is a part of Ann Aguirre’s Dred Chronicles, published through Ace. Grab your copy of BREAKOUT today!

BREAKOUT - cover

Amazon ** Barnes and Noble ** BAM ** Indiebound ** Vroman’s ** Book Depository ** iBooks

All hell is breaking loose in the edge-of-your-seat follow-up to Havoc and Perdition fromNew York Times bestselling author Ann Aguirre… 
 The prison ship Perdition has become a post-battle charnel house with only a handful of Dred’s soldiers still standing and now being hunted by Silence’s trained tongueless assassins. Forging an uneasy alliance with mercenary commander Vost—who is their only chance at escape—the Dread Queen will do whatever it takes to end her life sentence on Perdition and keep the survivors alive long enough to cobble together a transport capable of getting them off station. 
 If Dred and her crew can win the deadly game of cat and mouse, the payoff is not only life but freedom—a prize sweeter than their wildest dreams. Yet the sadistic Silence would rather destroy Perdition than let a single soul slip from her grasp…

Praise for the Dred Chronicles:
"There's so much action, so much adventure, and more than that, it's great writing."—USA Today 
 "SiranthaJax fans may be intrigued to see what befell Jael after his ill-considered actions there, and new lead Dred is a strong linchpin for a promising new series."—Publishers Weekly 
 "Spectacularly and spell-bindingly perfect with high octane action that keeps you on the edge of your seat and a romance that is surprisingly sweet and tender in a harsh and unforiving setting...This is honestly one of the best SF romance series I have read." —Book Pushers  

While Jael and Keelah were gone, Dred felt the walls closing in. The space they’d chosen was barely sufficient for their number, but it was well hidden and defensible. She inspected all the machines to see if there was anything worthwhile, but she didn’t know enough about ship mechanics to be sure. Plus, stripping some vital part in here might compromise the station’s systems, killing them before they were ready to take off.
Mary, I hate feeling useless.
So she was beyond relieved when the two returned . . . but Jael was carrying RC-17. That didn’t bode well.
He handed it to her before climbing out of the wall panel, and she checked it for damage. The scorch marks on the casing looked like it had been shot, but she didn’t think any of the prisoners, apart from her crew, had managed to steal rifles or weapons. Dred turned an icy look onto Vost and his men. The shorter merc, Duran, shifted uneasily. Both the grunts were younger than the commander, probably by as much as ten turns. Redmond had curly black hair and medium brown skin while the other was pale and freckled. Duran seemed to be the youngest of everyone, and he exuded a boyish air that was probably what drew Calypso.
“Something you want to tell me?” she prompted.
“Yeah, about that . . .”
“Spit it out,” Vost ordered.
“Sorry, sir. When you sent us out to gather supplies a few days back, we ran across that unit. I thought it was scouting for our location, spying on us, so I blasted it.”
“Why didn’t you say something before?” Jael demanded.
Duran gave him a dark look. “You know how many cleaning bots I’ve run across up in this orbiting scrapyard? How would I know the one I shot is the exact droid you’re looking for?”
Tam shifted through the bodies crowded around the bro- ken unit to take a look, and Dred handed the metal carcass to him. With Ike gone, he likely knew the most about main- tenance and repair. A few minutes later, he let out a sigh.
“The battery’s completely fried. I’ll need to cannibalize another unit to get this one operational again.”
“How’s the memory core?” Martine asked.
That was the key bit. If that was damaged, too, they could forget about ever finding Ike’s stashes. And that might mean the end of their escape plans. Dred leaned in, along with everyone else, until Tam motioned them to get out of his light. Sheepish, she fell back a step.
He poked around a little more before pronouncing, “It looks intact, but I won’t know for sure until 17 powers up.”
“So before we start scavenging for ship parts,” Redmond muttered, “we have to find droid parts.”
Calypso sighed at him. “Why is your brain so limited? There are nine of us. It makes more sense to figure out what we need, then divide into search teams.”
“Like a scavenger hunt,” Martine said.

Jael offered a twisted smile. “Serious sodding hunt, bright eyes. The prize is freedom, the penalty for failure is execution.”

And don’t miss the previous books in the Dred Chronicles!





Author PhotoAnn Aguirre is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author and RITA winner with a degree in English Literature; before she began writing full time, she was a clown, a clerk, a voice actress, and a savior of stray kittens, not necessarily in that order. She grew up in a yellow house across from a cornfield, but now she lives in sunny Mexico with her husband, children, and various pets. Ann likes books, emo music, action movies, and she writes all kinds of genre fiction for adults and teens, published with Harlequin, Macmillan, and Penguin, among others.      

Website **Facebook**Twitter**Tumblr ** Goodreads ** Newsletter SignUp


InkSlinger Blogger Final

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

RELEASE DAY BLAST: Love Always by Sonya Loveday and Candace Knoebel


I’ve met boys like him before. Rich. Bored. Always wearing a silver-spooned smile. But there is something different about him that piques my curiosity. The way he looks at me, like he is staring through the bars of a gilded cage he’s never left. Like he is one breath away from suffocating beneath a mound of responsibilities. He is different from the rest because he doesn’t wear his money… his money wears him. I just don’t think he knows it yet.
She’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She’s everything I’ve never been able to be. Carefree. Whimsical. A dreamer. Her laugh is infectious. She is irresistible. I can’t help but be drawn to her with an intensity that steals my breath and muddles my senses. I want to know her, need to know her, but how can I allow myself that liberty when I don’t have the freedom to make my own choices?
Phillip and Maggie think they have it all. Even though they come from opposite backgrounds, they each have bright futures paved out, with no distractions holding them back.
Until the fateful day they meet each other.
After a brief, adventurous time together in The Hamptons, Maggie and Phillip find themselves saying goodbye just as the spark of love flashes intensely between them. Can their budding connection be enough to survive the pulling tides of change, or will they drift apart before they even have a chance to explore what could have been?

Charlie tossed back the rest of his fourth beer and asked for two more. He was going for a record tonight. “Why don’t you just keep the cooler by you?” I asked, digging my hands through the ice again. My fingers felt like frozen popsicles by the time my hand wrapped around a can since we’d blown through the bottles he’d brought. “Because the beer tastes better when you’re handing them to me.” “Is that so?” I replied. A mischievous smirk crossed my lips. When he wasn’t looking, I shook his beers up and walked them over to him. He leaned back to look up at me, a grin eating up the whole of his face. “Finally decided to succumb to me?” he jokingly asked. “How can I resist?” I said, smiling as I cracked open the first beer, tilting it down at him, showering him in sudsy foam. He rolled out of his chair, curse words peppering the air as I cracked the second can and pointed it toward Hannah and Caleb. “Maggie!” Hannah shrieked as she jumped out of her seat, beer covering the front of her shirt. “Get up, you bunch of boring yuppies!” I shouted. “The night is young and the water’s warm!” Without words, they were up on their feet, laughing and shucking out of their clothes as they headed down toward the water. I turned back to the fire, tossing the beer cans back into the cooler, when Phillip caught my eye. He was standing up. Standing so still and so close to me that it made me draw in a sharp breath. “Is this the part where you tell me you have some kind of superpower that allows you to move from one spot to the next without notice?” I joked, wiping my sticky hands down the front of my jeans. There was a new look in his relaxed gaze. A look that made my heart somersault. A look of attraction and curiosity. “Are you going with them?” he asked, his heavy eyes drifting over my face, down to my lips where they stayed. I reflexively licked them, feeling the sun awaken beneath my skin. “Usually I do,” I replied, wondering why I suddenly felt like I had laid out in the sun all day. “How about you? Do you like to skinny dip?” “Can’t say that I’ve tried it yet,” he said, still watching me so intensely that it made my feet want to squirm. And my feet never squirmed. I pushed at his shoulder, trying to dispel the heat growing between us. “Well, there’s a first time for everything, right?” I didn’t wait for his response. I just grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head, dropping it to the sand below. Modesty was a seven-letter word I had yet to comprehend. I was thoroughly surprised when he didn’t look away. His gaze wasn’t even bashful like I’d assumed it would be when he roamed the length of my body, and it stirred something inside of me that had no business being stirred. “Come on,” I said, putting my best laugh forward. “You can’t skinny dip with your clothes on.” It was like my laugh woke him back up, because he smiled lazily, unbuttoned his shirt, and shrugged it from his shoulders, dropping it on top of mine. “That’s better,” I said, fiddling with the button on my jeans. It took me more time than it should have, because I couldn’t keep my eyes from his perfectly tanned, perfectly chiseled abs. I shimmied out of my jeans as quickly as I could, and then laughed when he nearly toppled over from his foot getting stuck in one of his pant legs. He grabbed onto my arms, using me to steady himself, and then we both laughed. “My apologies,” he said, his smile reaching from ear to ear as he clung to me. Why did I have to notice how good he smelled? Like sandalwood. “No worries,” I said, setting him straight on his feet. Dropping down, I held his pants while he stepped out of them, trying not to think too much about how close we were. “I’ve fallen way more than I’d care to admit to anyone.” “Come on, Maggie!” Hannah called. She was splashing and laughing as Charlie and the guys took turns shoving each other under the water. “Are we taking off our underwear now?” Phillip asked as soon as I stood back up. I had to admit, I was momentarily shocked by his question. But he quickly recovered by adding, “Or do we do it right before we get in the water?” I stared at him for a moment, enjoying the new sensation of shock that he brought out in me. It wasn’t often that someone thoroughly surprised me. It was fun. Enlightening. Without answering him, I just smiled and then reached behind me, unclasping my bra and letting it fall onto the pile of clothes at my feet. A second later, I was out of my underwear, enjoying the feel of the breeze against my bare skin. “Last person in has to clean up around the fire pit!” I shouted, turning from his wide-eyed stare and racing for the water.
sonya- Sonya Loveday, first and foremost is a reader, an avid one. It is of that love that brought her to purchasing her first laptop in 2009, and publishing her first novel, Casted, in 2013. In early 2014, Sonya expanded Casted and then went on to publish Spelled, the sequel to Casted in March, wrapping up the series, and her stint with Paranormal Romance. For now. Not long after the completion to the Casted Series, Sonya tried her hand at New Adult/Coming of Age, a sub-genre of Contemporary Romance. Thusly, the Six were born with The Summer I Fell, which released at the end of July 2014. The demand from readers was instantaneously, which brought about End Note, the second book of the series in December 2014, and book three, If Ever I Fall, in June 2015. To date, Sonya lives in Central Florida with her husband, and two kids, and is currently working on the fourth book of the Six Series. Be sure to keep an eye out for upcoming news on Sonya's website!  
Books By Sonya Loveday
The Six Series:

The Casted Series:

Candace Knoebel is the award-winning author of Born in Flames—book one in a young adult fantasy trilogy. She discovered in 2009 through lunch breaks and late nights after putting her kids to bed, a world where she could escape the ever-pressing days of an eight to five Purgatory. And an outlet for all the voices residing in her head. Published by 48fourteen in 2012, Born in Flames went on to win Turning the Pages Book of the Year award in February of 2013. In January of 2014, the last book in the trilogy, From the Embers, was released, thusly completing the trilogy. She now works on the Night Watchmen Series, while guzzling Red Bulls and pretending to be a ninja on Heelys.  
Books By Candace Knoebel
The Night Watchmen Series:
Everdeep (Night Watchmen, #4) Coming Winter 2015
The Born in Flames Trilogy:

Ahhhhh...this story was so sweet and heart warming...
Although there were times in which I wanted to scream at these characters, but watching their journey through life...learning how to finally take control of their own lives was inspirational and totally moving.
Love Always captured me from the beginning as we dive in to Phillip's background and boy was he a case that was in much need of help...and I seriously said I was so happy when Maggie entered the picture.  She offered so much to Phillip, things he really needed to become the he needed to be...
And Maggie...hehehehe...what a free many things about her that I myself wish I could do..
so, how do these two fit together??
I gotta say...Love Always is a breath-taking story of two people that truly have to discover themselves in order to really find that happily ever after.  
There are moments in this story that had me so angry and I seriously worried on whether things would end the way I wanted them.  
I really enjoyed both of these characters thoroughly...their tale was filled with humor and a beautiful budding romance...
I highly recommend that you pick it up and fall in love with them as I did...