Adam Fischer doesn’t believe in second chances. Heartbroken after his lover Charlie leaves him to chase his music career in L.A., Adam is convinced that meaningless one-night-stands are all life has in store for him.
Until fate drops Penn Shields in his lap.
Penn is a young, talented designer fresh out of college who has just landed his dream job as a wardrobe assistant in Queen Victoria theatre, where Adam is performing in a popular musical.
He’s also Charlie's brother.
The last thing Penn wants is to follow in his brother’s footsteps, especially since they haven’t spoken in years. However, the attraction he feels for Adam grows with each day, and soon resisting it proves to be futile.
As Adam and Penn get to know each other intimately, they both realize that first impressions may be deceiving, and that, sometimes, second chances come in the same packaging.
*explicit sexual content, graphic language and adult themes. Recommended for readers 18+ only*
I am so tickled that I get to give you guys a little insight in to Teodora's world...Find out a little more about her and her books...Check out the interview she and I had..
Kat: What inspired you to write m/m romance?
Teodora: I'm an avid reader of the genre and have been for a while, but I never made plans to write a mm romance book. I was actually supposed to be writing Colour me Inside - the third book in my Heartbeat series. But I wasn't feeling it and was blocked for months, unable to write a word, when one night as I was watching a musical in London's West End, the story of Jared and Fenix hit me so hard that I couldn't wait to get home and start writing it. I rediscovered my passion for writing that same night so I decided not to question it and just write it. The story was about two men so that's how I wrote it.
Dance was accepted so well into the genre and quickly acquired many fans, most of who urged me to write Adam's story. So, without having planned it, in a few months I had 2 mm romance books under my belt.
Kat: Cool...Who is your favorite character out of Dance and Mask so far?
Teodora: I love them all! They all have qualities I admire and sometimes I wish they were real so that I can hug them and tell them how much I love them.
Kat: Oh now wouldn't that be, who is your least favorite in the series?
Teodora: Hmm... I really don't have a character that I don't like, but if I had to name someone I'd go with Charlie because he broke my Adam's heart, and hurt my Penn and I can't forgive him.
Kat: *nodding* I can agree there...Will there be a book 3 in this series?
Teodora: Yes Again, I didn't plan it, but as I was writing Mask, Sonnie and Riley's characters ambushed me and I'll write their story at some point next year.
Kat: YAY!! I know your readers are very happy to hear that... Now, what do you like to do for fun?
Teodora: Read! Haha - yes, I'm that boring! I'm happiest holding a book in my hands, I admit. But other than that, I like to watch TV series and hand out with my husband and my kid. I neglect them a lot when I'm writing so it's nice to have some quality time together and just relax.
Kat: Hey, nothing wrong with reading... LOL...I know you are an avid lover of music...tell me...Top 3 songs on your ipod right now that you are listening to?
Teodora: Waves - Mr. Probz; Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer; Centuries - Fall Out Boy.
Kat: Oooohhh....I am loving Centuries right now too!! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Teodora: Gosh, so hard to choose! I want to go everywhere! Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Italy, so I'd readily go there any time, as many times as I can. But other than that, I'd love to visit some of my friends in USA, as well as South America - Mexico, Brasil, Cuba...
Kat: Some awesome places there that I would like to see too!! Any other future plans that you can let us in on??
Teodora: I'm currently writing a Christmas novella about all my boys - Adam and Penn head to Sweden to visit Jared and Fenix for the holidays. It takes place about a year after Mask ends and we'll get a little glimpse of what their lives are like at that point. I haven't announced that yet, so there you go - exclusive news
The audio book for Dance is almost ready as well and should be out soon, and I'm super excited about In a Heartbeat being published in Portuguese in Brasil very soon!
Many many thanks to Teodora to answering my questions. I am super glad that you guys got to meet her and find out a little bit about one of my favorite authors...
So, now, check out the rest of the post and make sure you enter the FABULOUS GIVEAWAY!!

The night passed in a blur of music, dancing, laughter, and glasses clicking together. The smile never left Penn’s face, and he looked like he was having the most fun, even though he switched to sparkling water after the second cocktail. Adam loved dancing with him, holding him tight as Penn wiggled that delicious ass against Adam's hips. He loved the way his skin smelled when it was flushed and sweaty, and couldn’t help but kiss him every chance he got.
By 2:00 AM the club started to wind down. Jared and Fenix were still dancing, holding each other as they swayed to the slow, sexy rhythm of the current song. Penn placed his empty glass on the table and turned to look at Adam over his shoulder. Adam knew that look. That look promised some very naughty things happening to him in the near future.
Turning to fully face Adam, Penn moved to straddle his hips and lock his hands behind his neck. He then dipped his head and gave Adam a teasing, sensual kiss, just lips moving against lips, until Adam groaned and buckled his hips to meet Penn’s.
“Wanna dance?” Penn asked as he separated their mouths. Adam shook his head vigorously and hooking a hand behind his neck, bringing Penn down again. He kissed him urgently, demanding instant access with his tongue. Penn allowed him in, grinding their hips together in the slow rhythm of the song, and moaning obscenely as Adam cupped his ass and squeezed.
Just then, the song changed. Hearing the first notes of Nix’s latest ballad, Penn froze. His mouth was slack against Adam's and his fingers were surely leaving red marks on Adam's neck.
Did he always have that reaction when hearing one of his brother’s songs? Or was it just because he was there with Adam?
Adam didn't care. He didn't want Penn to feel like that.
“Hey,” he whispered in Penn’s ear, moving his hands from Penn’s ass to circle them around his waist. “I see you.” Penn cast him a surprised, confused look, the hesitation and disbelieve in his grey gaze grabbing on something inside Adam and twisting it until it hurt. “Alright? You,” he said, pointing a finger at Penn’s chest, and placing his palm right over his heart. “You,” he repeated in a whisper, closing his eyes against the moisture that had suddenly appeared there.
Penn touched their foreheads together and Adam felt him nod.
For now, that small gesture of agreement would have to do.
Hi, my name is Teodora and I live in London with my husband and my son. I've been writing ever since I can remember, but it became my full time job a few years ago when I decided that everything else I've tried bores me to death and I have to do what I've always wanted to do, but never had the guts to fully embrace. I've been a journalist, an editor, a personal assistant and an interior designer among other things, but as soon as the novelty of the new, exciting job wears off, I always go back to writing. Being twitchy, impatient, loud and hasty are not qualities that help a writer, because I have to sit alone, preferably still, and write for most of the day, but I absolutely love it. It's the only time that I'm truly at peace and the only thing I can do for more than ten minutes at a time - my son has a bigger attention span than me.
When I'm procrastinating, I like to go to the gym, cook Italian meals (and eat them), read, listen to rock music, watch indie movies and True Blood re-runs. Or, in the worst case scenario, get beaten at every Nintendo Wii game by a kid.
Don't be shy and get in touch - I love connecting with my readers.
Teodora Kostova has blown me away again...After reading Dance I wasn't sure how I would like Adam. He was a character that I wanted to slap and I just didn't like him much...
So as Mask released I was worried on how much I would connect with the book since I knew it was about him.
Well, I don't know why I was worried. I mean, this is Teodora and I know she is brilliant...
And it shows...SHINES in Mask.
The things I didn't understand about Adam from Dance are brought to light in this book and my whole opinion changed on him. And let me definitely helps having a phenomenal character such as Penn. He took my breath away. He amazed me in the way he looked at life and the people he cared about. He was the perfect match for Adam.
I really could not have seen a better fit of two people than Adam and Penn together...
It wasn't a smooth sailing type of relationship....Anything but...But this story allows you to see a beautiful love bloom between two individuals that needed something only the other could give...
A wonderfully written tale that had me falling in love with two stunning men that took my breath away. Their story is one of true love...true romance...
A definite must read!!